
The Intermediary


The Intermediary


To get a quote from one of our registerd Financial Advisors authorised to give advice on the brand you select please fill out our form, and your details and it will be assigned to a Financial Advisor matching your profile.

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claim statistics

FirstLIFE only promotes intermediaries who promote insurers who do full underwriting before application. The reasons become very obvious when you look into the claim statistics from the various insurers.

As part of their commitment to transparency and public awareness, these companies make there claims statistics available. And the results show that Pre-Application underwriting pays out when they should. Most companies pay out more than 97% of the time.

The time where pay-outs do not happen are almost always non-disclosure or fraudulent transactions.

Post Death Underwriting companies very seldom post their claims statistics, but are most certainly lower than this.

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Why use and Intermediary? Why buy Fully Underwritten Life Cover?